Support us keeping this web service alive and free

We’re defining how to keep the project financially sustainable, so if you want to actively sustain it you can consider one among the following options.

Donate to the project

Donations are, of course, always welcome. If you feel generous you can click and donate.

Invite us for in-house training

If you are part of a company or organization and you want to organize a workshop or a webinar, please contact us to get in touch. We will setup an ad-hoc didactical activity for your organization.

Request a custom version

We can realize a custom version of AOTGraph for your enterprise that you can host on your server. Your version will have a custom logo, colors, fonts, visualization presets and other features. contact us

Help us spread the word

Help us in spreading the word and bringing AOTGraph to Zoom owner accounts interested in a free, simple solution for visualizing their Zoom Meeting or Webinar Attendee Report!

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